Our Membership Packages
The Seminole County Chamber is focused on providing membership packages that are suited to each business, giving a business the flexibility to invest in the benefits they want and will use.
Our packages are in two categories:
The Engage Membership Track provides smaller companies ample exposure opportunities, access to information that impacts their businesses, and abundant opportunities to develop professional relationships throughout Seminole County. Depending on the level of your choice, you can participate in the Expo, events, digital media opportunities, and more; without any additional financial investment.
The Advocate Membership Track provides its members the opportunity to participate in many Chamber initiatives without further investment. It is specifically designed to showcase the businesses and organizations vital to the success of Seminole County and the Central Florida region.
All memberships include Core Member Benefits.
To download the entire membership brochure, please click here.

Core Member Benefits
- Admission to ChamberU, Good Morning Seminole, Business After Hours, Altamonte Small Business Networking, Business Alliance Business Networking ($15 for Lunch), Lake Mary Council Coffee Club, Longwood Lunch & Learn ($15 for Lunch), River Council Business Networking, South Seminole Business Networking, Virtually Seminole Council
- Reduced admission to Signature events
- Member plaque, decal & “Proud Member” online badge
- Collateral display inclusion at Good Morning Seminole
- Affinity and member savings: Healthcare, credit card processing and office supply savings
- Website listing for your business, special offers, events and announcements
- Newsletter placements for your special offers, events and announcements
- Leadership opportunities on committees and councils
- Certificate of origin
Effective January 2023 | All benefits subject to change | $50 fee is charged to process new members. | Non-profit companies with less than 25 employees are eligible for a 50% discount on the Entrepreneur level and must submit their C3 documentation with the application | Additional location listings are not available on the Engage Membership Track